Konstanzer Hütte   

The Adventure Valley Verwall not only offers beautiful places to stay, but also a variety of leisure activities such as the high and low rope garden, the legend stations, and the large playground by the lake. 

Starting from Mooserkreuz, which is easily reached by bike, on foot, or by bus, the hiking trail and road leads past meadows, forests and streams to the emerald-green Verwallsee. The route is almost flat, and can even be negotiated with a baby stroller. Not far from the lake, the Wagner Hütte beckons for a short rest before continuing past the lake towards the Konstanzer Hütte. The lake can also be reached by bus if you want to shorten the route. 

With slight inclines, the wide road now leads uphill and after a few windy and steeper bends, striking Patteriol appears for the first time. Following the brook, the almost level path leads to the beautifully located Konstanzer Hütte. From here, you can also walk on to Schönverwall or the Heilbronner Hütte, and the latter is even equipped for bikes. 

Return the same way you came, and if you're tired, you can take the bus from the Salzhütte hut back to Mooserkreuz.

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Further Information

Konstanzer Hütte

6580 St. Anton am Arlberg




http://konstanzerhuette.com extern



21.06.2024 - 22.09.2024

1.688 m
Snack station:
67 Beds

Contact person(s):

Sandro und Raphaela Schöpf-Eberhart
T:+43 660 459 2138

Contact person(s):

Sandro und Raphaela Schöpf-Eberhart
T:+43 660 459 2138